How to Keep Your Teeth White

Everyone wants a nice white smile. The problem is getting there, and better yet – maintaining it. There are several different ways you can maintain your pearly whites after doing an at home whitening treatment whether its certain foods and drinks to avoid or OTC products you can choose. Our Dental Reflections Dublin office also have some additional ways to keep your teeth white.

Post Whitening Tips

Up to 48 hours after whitening your teeth, try avoiding foods and beverages that can stain your teeth. Think of anything that can stain a white t-shirt – like red wine, coffee or blueberries. When you whiten, you open the pores in the enamel so the whitening can really soak in and take effect. Consuming dark colors will tend to stain or darken the teeth because those pores remain open for up to 48 hours after whitening. Can’t live without coffee? We don’t blame you. Try drinking it through a straw to help pass over the teeth or lightening it up with some cream so it’s not straight black.

Home Hygiene

There are lots of excellent products out on the market that can help maintain your shade. One of our favorites is Crest 3D White Brilliance Toothpaste. This one helps unlock trapped surface stains. Another great toothpaste is Colgate Optic White Toothpaste. You can find it in a bright, shiny red tube. It contains hydrogen peroxide so it also helps with daily surface stains. Flossing is also super important to clean in between the teeth to prevent staining in the areas your toothbrush cannot reach. Crest makes a Glide Whitening Floss with a fresh, minty flavor we would recommend. Be sure to brush at least twice a day and floss once a day. You can also purchase a whitening pen to help maintain your smile between whitening sessions. Be sure to always rinse with water after that last drink of coffee or red wine to help prevent the color from soaking in.

Foods That Help Whiten Teeth

Did you know foods like strawberries and lemons help whiten your teeth? Lemons are very acidic so we don’t want you going around sucking on lemons all day or sipping on lemon water between meals. But it’s a great option to add to your diet every now and then to help keep your smile bright. Strawberries contain malic acid (that helps whiten) and aren’t as acidic and can be consumed on a more regular basis if you choose. Other foods that help with a natural whitening are apples, celery, carrots, yogurt, milk, cheese and baking soda. Try sprinkling a little on your toothpaste for a boost.

Teeth Whitening Options

If you are looking for at-home whitening, we have some great options for you! Dr. Rudi As-Sanie, a family dentist in Dublin, OH, recommends and have in stock Opalescence Go whitening trays. These come in a 10 pack and are worn for only 15-20 minutes a day. We also have GLO Whitening which uses a light and 8 minute sessions to get your smile as white as you want it. This is great for those with sensitivity. Stop by our dental office in Dublin, Ohio, to purchase any of our options or get one next time you are in for your check-up visit!

National Tooth Fairy Day

Celebrating National Tooth Fairy Day 2020

Today is National Tooth Fairy Day! Kids can’t wait to lose their first tooth. It’s something big to look forward to – like their birthday. It’s such an exciting time because it’s something new and they know they will get some kind of “prize” with it. Whether it’s sparkly tooth fairy money, or a small toy or gold coin, kids are sure to love it.

When Do Kids Lose Their First Tooth?

A child typically loses their first tooth around age 6. At Dental Reflections Dublin, we always add and subtract 6 months around this average because every child is different. The first tooth to be lost is one of the bottom front middle teeth followed by the one next to it. Once a child starts to lose teeth, they will lose the first 4 on the bottom front middle and then the top front middle. Then, they won’t lose teeth again for a few years – usually around age 10 or 11.

Wiggly Teeth

If your child’s tooth is loose, you can encourage them to wiggle it out. They can practice each day by wiggling it back and forth or pressing and holding it each direction for a few seconds. Many times, kids will shy away from brushing a loose tooth and the gums will get inflamed due to extra plaque in that area. Be sure to help them brush when they have a wiggly tooth or check over after. You do not have to press hard to remove plaque, just a gentle brush in this area will be sufficient. A mouthwash with fluoride is also good to use. Do not be alarmed if you notice teeth coming in on the back side of the wiggly teeth down in the bottom front. Dr. Rudi As-Sanie, a family dentist in Dublin, OH, says this is very common and does not affect anything. Once the wiggly teeth fall out the permanent teeth that came in behind will typically move forward into that space with everyday tongue pressure with eating and talking.

Make the loss of your child’s front tooth a memory they will never forget! Look for a special tooth chest or pillow they can use to put their tooth in and switch it out for something fun while they are sleeping. Some children even like to write a letter or color a picture for the tooth fairy. If you ever have any questions or concerns about the loss of your child’s teeth, please do not hesitate to contact us at 614.799.5576. Our team would be happy to take a look!

Gum Care Month

September is National Gum Care Month, which means focusing on everything gums related, which is part of the foundation for keeping your teeth healthy. If your gums are not healthy, it can affect the bone that surrounds and supports the teeth, holding them in place. Did you know you can lose teeth without ever getting a cavity? Studies show that 47.2% of adults aged 30 years and older have some form of periodontal disease or gum disease. There are many ways to prevent gum disease. You can start by using simple aids at home and keeping up with your preventative care visits.

Aids to Prevent Gum Disease

There are so many dental products out on the market these days. Just walking down the dental aisle in the grocery store can become overwhelming. There are certain dental aids that we recommend most for our patients that can help cut down on gingivitis, or even worse – gum disease.

Soft-Picks are a great tool to use to help keep the gums healthy. They look like a toothpick but have little rubber bristles that help stimulate the gum when you slide in between the teeth. They grab plaque and food debris and help disrupt the plaque bacteria that form colonies in areas your toothbrush may not reach. They are actually made by the brand GUM and can be found at your local grocery or retail store. They are typically green with a white handle. We have sample packs with coupons we can give you the next time you are in.

Dental floss is another savior when it comes to preventing gum disease. It works by sliding underneath the gum tissue to remove any plaque that has settled down between the tooth and gum that the toothbrush bristles cannot access. Dental floss is like a gum disease insurance policy. If you use it once a day, you will significantly decrease your chances of getting gingivitis or gum disease. The difference between these two is this: gingivitis is completely reversible, while gum disease is not. If gingivitis goes untreated, it can turn into gum disease that then affects the bone around the teeth, or supporting structure, as mentioned above. Once a person has gum disease, it can never go away. You can’t grow back the bone that was lost, but rather maintain what is left to prevent any further damage.

A Waterpik is also a great option for gum care if you hate flossing. With pressurized air and water, a Waterpik helps disturb the plaque bacteria below the gumline and flush it out. At Dental Reflections Dublin, we also recommend these to our patients quite often to help keep the gum tissues healthy.

Regular Dental Checkups

By maintaining your preventive care and seeing your dentist at least twice a year, you can also decrease your chances of developing gum disease. Each visit, your hygienist will use a small measuring tool called a probe that will measure the space between your tooth and gum tissue to check the overall health. This shows us if you are starting to develop early signs, which helps us recommend a special treatment plan or homework for you to prevent inflammation from turning into permanent destruction. That’s why seeing your Dublin, Ohio dentist for professional cleanings is so important. Studies show there was a 31% decrease in dental costs over five years for patients who received preventive care. For all your dental care needs, contact Dental Reflections Dublin.

Do You Want Straighter Teeth?

Everyone wants straight teeth, right? Straight teeth make you feel more confident about your smile and showing it off to the world. What better time than NOW to straighten your teeth and get the smile you always wanted. With everyone wearing a mask, it is the perfect chance to start your journey towards a straighter smile.

We have all heard of the traditional brackets and wires that most people get during their teen years. A lot of our adult patients have already had those. Often at Dental Reflections Dublin, we see teeth shifting into peoples’ 20’s and 30’s because they didn’t wear their retainer or have a permanent retainer put in. This is when a person’s career tends to take off, and they do not want to feel self-conscious about their teeth during interviews, presentations, or business meetings in general. Insert: Invisalign or Clear Correct.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are an excellent option for those who have had teeth relapse after braces or those who always wanted braces but never got them as children/teens. Invisalign, or Clear Correct, is a series of trays that you wear for two weeks at a time that slowly straighten the teeth. You must wear them for 22 hours a day to get the results promised and stay on track with estimated treatment time. Treatment time ranges from 6 months and under to 7-18 months. It all depends on how much needs corrected.

How To Get Started

If you are interested in clear aligners, your first step would be to schedule a consultation. We are currently offering complimentary consults so you can see if you qualify and get an estimate on cost and treatment time. We choose the company based on your needs and our experience with what they each have to offer. A consult involves taking a digital scan and photos of your teeth to send off to the company we choose so they can put together a treatment plan for you. It is really exciting once they send us back your treatment plan, and you can see a digital video showing the teeth moving and your expected final results upon completion of treatment. Contact Dental Reflections Dublin today at 614.799.5576 to schedule your complimentary consultation and get started on the dream smile you always wanted!

What to Expect If You Need a Deep Cleaning

We discussed earlier this month about ways to prevent gum disease since it’s National Gum Care Month. Let’s talk about what happens if you develop gum disease and what to expect. Gum disease is like diabetes – there is no cure, but it can be managed. The sooner it is diagnosed and treated, the better the long-term outcome to expect. On today’s blog, Dr. Rudi As-Sanie shares what to expect if you need a deep cleaning.

Gum Disease & Deep Cleaning

Studies show that 47.2% of adults over the age of 30 have some form of periodontal disease. Many times, life gets in the way, and our careers take off, we start having children, etc. and our dental health gets put on the back burner. It often starts with college and kids moving away from home and not keeping up with their dental appointments. Once they find an “adult” job that offers dental insurance and finally get back into the dentist, they may have a lot of catch up to do. A lot of factors can contribute to developing gum disease, but the best defense is good home care and regular visits to the dentist.

At every patient visit, we do a screening for gum disease. This involves using a small instrument with measurement markings to measure the space between the teeth and gums. The lower the number, or the less it drops down between the tooth and gum, the better. This tells us you have a firm, healthy attachment of the gums to the teeth and great support. If the measurement is deeper, this tells us the gum is inflamed and infected.

During a Deep Cleaning

A deep cleaning is where we go deeper underneath the gums to clean more thoroughly to remove tartar buildup that has settled further below the gumline. The buildup is like a splinter; the longer it sits, the more irritated it will make the gums, and the more damage it will do to the bone that holds in and supports the teeth. Our team will split the mouth in half for a deep cleaning and have the patient come back for two visits.

Your hygienist will numb one side of the mouth and remove all of the deposits and plaque bacteria from the teeth. We use a special instrument that sprays water and vibrates to help flush out from under the gums. Each side of the mouth takes about 1-1.5 hours to clean. We make sure the patient is comfortable the entire time during the procedure. We also take the time to be sure you have the best tips and tricks to keep your teeth and gums healthy after to avoid having to repeat the deep cleaning.

Post Deep Dental Cleaning

Two of the most important factors in the gum tissue’s healing response are a patient’s home care and keeping up with their cleanings at the dentist. Dr. As-Sanie will recommend having your teeth cleaned every 3-4 months vs. every 6, so we can disturb the bacteria more frequently under the gums to prevent any relapse and help maintain the gums and bone’s health. If you ever have any questions or concerns about a deep cleaning or need a family dentist in Dublin, OH, we are here for you at Dental Reflections Dublin. Please do not hesitate to call us at 614.799.5576.

Reasons Why You Should Love Your Dental Hygienist

October is National Dental Hygiene Month, and we are here for it. Our dental hygienists are our tooth fairies of our Dublin dental office, the ones that spend the most time with our patients and build rapport and relationships to last a lifetime. Dental hygienists truly care about you and your teeth, which is why we take this month to recognize them and all of their hard work.

What it Takes to be a Dental Hygienist

Dental hygienists must all have a license to practice. They take two written and one clinical board exams they must pass, along with many clinical hours and competencies they must complete. Dental hygiene is all about prevention. The goal is to educate each patient on what they can do at home to keep their teeth for a lifetime.

Dental Hygienist Responsibilities

There are many responsibilities that come along with the role of a dental hygienist. Most times, a new patient will see a hygienist first before meeting their Dublin dentist. The hygienist will collect all initial records, including x-rays, photos, and dental charting, to determine if a patient has healthy gums or not. A dental hygienist will know the latest and greatest products and tips and techniques to keep your smile bright and healthy. From teeth whitening to a new toothpaste or toothbrush, they are your go-to to answer any questions you may have. They attend many continuing education courses throughout the year to keep up with the ever-changing dental field.

Other Duties Hygienists Do

Dental hygienists can also administer local anesthetic to a patient. That means if someone other than the dentist comes in to get you numb before your filling, it is a hygienist. Or if you need a deep cleaning, they can also get you numb, so you are comfortable during the procedure. A deep cleaning involves using special instruments and techniques to help get the gums healthy and maintain your bone levels, so your teeth do not get loose. In addition to seeing patients, hygienists often are the ones who do the ordering for the office or take on additional roles of marketing or cleaning procedures in the office.

Next time you are in for your checkup visit with your hygienist here at Dental Reflections Dublin, be sure to thank them a little extra for all that they do and how much they truly care.

No Dental Insurance? We Have a Plan For You!

Our Reflections Savings Plan is the perfect solution for those without dental insurance in Dublin, OH. Think of it as a membership plan for your teeth/dental health. You have the option of paying monthly or yearly for your preventive care. Studies show there was a 31% decrease in dental costs over five years for patients who received preventive care. That is so significant. This means you can save money just by seeing your dentist twice a year for your dental cleanings, X-rays, charting, and exams.

Our Reflections Savings Plan

Preventive care isn’t “just a cleaning.” It is so much more than that. This is why we have created an in-house membership plan to provide the care you need and deserve. Here at Dental Reflections Dublin, we are a comprehensive dental office. This means we care about your whole health, not just your mouth. The oral-systemic link is important to recognize to maintain your teeth and have them last a lifetime.
In each annual membership plan, you receive two checkup visits.

Each visit includes the x-rays recommended by the dentist, a professional cleaning by one of our talented hygienists, intraoral photos, oral cancer screening, dental charting assessing the health of your gum tissues, a fluoride varnish, and your exam. If you need any additional work done like fillings, crowns, etc. you will receive a 15% discount on additional dental services. This is a significant amount of savings compared to purchasing each service individually at separate times throughout the year.

Why the Annual Membership?

Purchasing the plan in advance also holds you accountable as the patient to be compliant with your dental health and not miss a visit. If you enroll in our dental membership plan after the year is up, we will auto-renew for you, so you don’t have to worry about falling through the cracks and forgetting to schedule your visits. We also offer fun add-ons like teeth whitening.

If you have been looking for a dentist and do not have dental insurance or are sick of paying high premiums for barely any coverage, consider our Reflections Savings Plan. You will not be disappointed!

Call us today at 614.799.5576 to schedule an appointment and get enrolled!

CPAP Alternatives: How We Can Help

A CPAP is not the only choice.

Let’s talk about CPAPs and sleep apnea.

It is well known that a compliance rate for a CPAP is low. While they have improved them over the years by creating softer masks and quieter machines, the rate still is as low as 30% and ranges to 60%, making CPAP alternatives appealing.

If someone is using their CPAP less than 50% of the time, the benefits are very low and results will not be seen. While we do have some patients who absolutely love their CPAP, others cannot tolerate it. Plus, we have a lot of patients that travel for work and it is difficult to travel with a CPAP.

Early signs of sleep apnea

We know that a CPAP is the gold standard, especially for those with moderate to severe sleep apnea. However, if someone is not being compliant and can simply not tolerate it, we have CPAP alternatives. Being in dentistry, we as providers see some of the first signs of sleep apnea.

There are many signs and symptoms that may indicate a person is having trouble getting enough oxygen when they sleep. Here is a list of the most common ones:

  • Signs of wear on the teeth from clenching and grinding
  • Large tongue and/or tonsils
  • Frequent headaches in the mornings/jaw pain
  • Reports of snoring or unrestful sleep
  • High blood pressure medication and/or anxiety medication

There are many more to look out for but these are the most common.

Home sleep study

A home sleep study can help determine if someone is suffering from sleep apnea.

Just because one of the symptoms listed above applies to someone, it does not mean they have sleep apnea; it just means we may recommend a home sleep study or talk to them in further detail about their sleeping habits and how they feel day to day.

About the sleep dental appliance

If someone has mild to moderate sleep apnea or even severe and cannot tolerate their CPAP, they may be a great candidate for our dental sleep appliance.

What it does is help titrate the lower jaw forward so that while sleeping, it allows a person to receive more oxygen. It is amazing the results we have seen and how much better our patients are feeling that are using the sleep appliance.

If you are struggling with sleep and feel terrible in the mornings, please contact our Dublin, OH dental office at (614) 799-5576 to learn more about our home sleep study and how we can help you feel better.

Invisalign vs. Braces

At Dental Reflections Dublin, we get a lot of questions about pros and cons to Invisalign vs. traditional braces. Nowadays, adults prefer to have Invisalign, or clear aligners, so they don’t show in photos or while talking to someone. However, if you choose Invisalign, you must be very compliant in order to achieve the best results.


Most of us are familiar with traditional braces. We see kids with braces all the time. The metal brackets and wires and little bands that tie around them that they can choose the color for. Some kids can’t wait to get braces while others dread it. The reality is that braces are the best option for some people and what we may recommend. If someone has a bite issue or a lot of crowding or significant spacing, braces are the best option for the best result possible. We see a lot of adults that have had braces as a child, but didn’t wear their retainers and now their teeth have shifted back.


Also known as clear braces, Invisalign is a series of clear trays that are used to straighten the teeth. The trays are switched out every 2 weeks to slowly move the teeth into place like braces would. It is super important that the trays are worn for 22 hours a day and are only taken out while eating or drinking something other than water. This can be a challenge if you are big “snacker” or “sipper”. Some people are excited for their new diet that may come along with the trays. Not wearing the trays for the recommended 22 hours a day can delay treatment time. This means you will be in each set of trays longer which will push back your projected time in the trays. Invisalign is a great option for adults whose teeth have relapsed since childhood braces or have always had some tooth positioning that has bothered them that they want corrected.


If you are interested in Invisalign, the first step is to set up a complimentary consultation with us. At this visit, we will do some measurements of your teeth and bite, take photos and determine if you are a good candidate for clear aligners. We will then send your records to Invisalign and wait for them to send us your treatment plan with projected treatment time in the aligners. They also send a really cool video that shows your teeth moving and what your final result will look like.

Call us today at 614.799.5576 to schedule a consultation at our Dublin, OH office to get that straight smile you’ve always dreamed of!

Dental Care During the Holidays

As we all know, December brings lots of cheer and also lots of sugar. We keep seeing these hot cocoa bombs everywhere and all we can think about is how much sugar is in those things. Sure, they are super festive and fun, but always keep your dental health in mind when you are munching and sipping this holiday season.

Yes, we know, that is the last thing we want to think about when enjoying extra goodies, however, if that’s the case, don’t be shocked when you have an extra cavity or two during your next checkup visit. There are ways to enjoy these festive treats and keep your teeth healthy at the same time!!

Eat junk with meals. Yep, we gave you the go ahead. Eat your sweets with your meals. The other food you are eating – cheese, mashed potatoes, meats and so on, are actually helping to buffer out those acids from the sugar. Same goes with those sugary drinks. If you are going to sip on some hot chocolate, it is best to do it at the end of a meal. The longer you sip on drinks between meals the more acid attacks your teeth get. After each sip, your mouth takes about 20 minutes to buffer out the acids, making your pH neutral again. If you take forever to finish your drink, your mouth never has a chance to catch up and neutralize. So, frequency, not amount is key.

We are not saying you must carry your floss and toothbrush with you in case you do splurge and sip your hot cocoa. What you can do is take water sips after the sugary stuff to also help cleanse the sugars from settling down at the gumline. Don’t forget to brush twice a day (nighttime is the most important!!) and floss once a day to help keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible this year.

One big fad to come out of 2020 are charcuterie boards. Thankfully, most of these foods are pretty healthy. Cheeses, meats, nuts and veggies are all great for the teeth. So next time you see a charcuterie board – don’t hold back. Throw a cookie in too and enjoy!

Dental Reflections Dublin

4998 Rings Rd
Dublin, Oh 43017
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Monday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday: 7:30am - 4:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday: 7:30am - 2:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 2:00pm