Wisdom Teeth Removal: To Keep or Not to Keep?

Everyone always dreads the recommendation wisdom teeth removal. But why? Well let’s face it, no one likes to have surgery or be put under. The only part of that the general public enjoys is watching videos of people coming out of their anesthesia. The real question is: why do some people get to keep their wisdom teeth, and others don’t? What happens if my dentist tells me to get them out and I don’t? Believe it or not, we recommend things for a reason. At Dental Reflections Dublin, we are all about PREVENTATIVE dental care which means prevent something wrong before it happens. Here’s the scoop on those “extra teeth” we don’t really need.

What happens if I don’t get them out?

If your dentist is recommending the wisdom teeth come out, you really should get them out. We typically address the wisdom teeth around junior/senior year of high school, or age 17-18. This is when we have a good idea of whether or not a person has room for them or not. We take a panoramic x-ray that circles around your head and shows us all your teeth, including the roots and surrounding bone. This shows us how many wisdom teeth there are and if the roots are developed enough to have them extracted and if the patient does, in fact, have enough room to keep them. Some patients only have one wisdom tooth or none (lucky!!). We have seen some with 8. That’s right, and they grew two sets.

What Age Should You Remove Your Wisdom Teeth

The younger the wisdom teeth come out, the better. The bone is more flexible, and the healing time is faster. Delaying having them out can cause cysts to develop around the teeth, leading to infections and more invasive surgeries. We have seen it: 25-year-old male presents with pain on the lower left. We had recommended the wisdom teeth come out at age 18 due to shortage of space.

A Patient Who Didn’t Get Their Wisdom Teeth Removed

All four teeth were impacted (under the gums). The patient developed a cyst on the lower left wisdom tooth and was referred to the oral surgeon immediately. The bone had to be scraped out under the tooth and sent in for a biopsy. The extra scraping or debriding, along with the biopsy bill, led to the patient having a much longer recovery and more out of pocket costs. Thankfully the cyst was benign, and no further action had to be taken. Thank goodness this was caught early because if left untreated, could have caused a hold in the jaw. The risks of surgery highly outweigh, keeping them, and not being able to predict what the future holds. If they do happen to come in the mouth, we typically see gum problems and cavities develop due to hard to access areas.

Why do some people have a room and get to keep them?

Like we said earlier, every single patient is different. Some people have large mouths, and the gum tissue is healthy around the wisdom teeth, and they can keep them super clean. We also see a lot of cases where a patient had 4 teeth out for braces due to crowding, but later grew and had room for the wisdom teeth to come in and stay. Trust us when we say this: If we truly believe you have room to keep the teeth and keep them healthy and predict they will not cause issues down the road; we will absolutely recommend keeping them. The thing is, the average person, unfortunately, does not have room and needs to get them out.

At Dental Reflections Dublin in Dublin, OH, we typically refer all of our wisdom teeth extractions to an oral surgeon, who specializes in removing these types of teeth. Wisdom teeth can be unpredictable and come in different sizes and shapes, so we feel most comfortable with our patients in the hands of a surgeon, who extract teeth all day long. Recovery is the same whether having one or four removed at the same time, so we recommend all 4 to keep it to one procedure. An oral surgeon can address any questions or concerns you may have about recovery, sedation options, and the procedure itself.

National Dental Hygiene Month

October is National Dental Hygiene Month which means we are talking about all things preventative care. This includes your toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, floss picks, tongue scraper, mouthwash and more. At Dental Reflections Dublin, our dental hygienists pride themselves on oral hygiene instruction so we want to share with you what they share with their patients on a daily basis.

Oral Health Care Routine

Did you know spending just about 5 minutes a day can save you hundreds upon thousands of dollars over the years? That’s right – if you set aside 2 minutes, twice a day to brush and about a minute for some floss and mouthwash – you will be doing yourself a huge favor. This routine ensures the best preventive dental care you can give your teeth and gums, keeping them healthy and preventing the need for fillings, crowns and gum treatments. Did you know more people lose their teeth due to gum disease than cavities? Yes, it’s true, you can lose all of your teeth without ever having a cavity in your life.

Why Do I Need to Brush and Floss?

Most people don’t realize the importance of flossing. It’s actually just as important if not MORE important than brushing. Foods we eat can help remove the plaque from our teeth as we chew and mash our food up. There is no physical way to clean out the plaque, bacteria and food particles that settle UNDER the gumline other than flossing. We aren’t talking about a Waterpik or toothpicks. We are talking about that good ol’ fashioned piece of string you wrap around your fingers and use in the mouth. Here are some tips on proper brushing and flossing techniques.

Brushing 101

You can brush for 10 minutes and miss the gumline. Keeping the teeth clean is all about technique, not the brand of toothbrush or flavor of toothpaste you are using. It is critical to use the proper technique to remove plaque most effectively. It’s like getting the most bang for your buck. Make those 2 minutes count and angle that toothbrush at a 45-degree angle near the gum line. Look in the mirror and see your bristles getting up by your gums where your teeth touch them. This is where the plaque settles. Go in a circular motion while using overlapping strokes. Go over the same areas more than once. Plaque forms on the teeth in layers so one swipe doesn’t do the trick. You need to go over the same areas multiple times to get all the layers.


Flossing is a whole other challenge. We get it, it’s a pain. The key is – get a piece from about your fingertips to shoulder when your arm is straight out. Then wrap the floss around your middle fingers, evenly on each side until you have about 6 inches remaining in between the 2 fingers. Now use your thumbs and index fingers to actually slide the floss in between the teeth. You should only have about an inch when you place your thumbs together to insert the floss between the teeth. Once you are in between, angle side to side in a “C” shape motion hugging each side of the teeth to ensure plaque removal. Get down to the base of the gumline. This takes practice, but practice makes perfect!

No matter what other additional aids you are using from a daily mouthwash, tongue scraper, soft picks for in between meals or a Waterpik, you will make your hygienist proud and your teeth will thank you. Remember, just 5 minutes a day, to keep the cavity bugs away. For family dentistry in Dublin, Ohio, contact us today!

Brushing Your Little One’s Teeth

We all know you are supposed to start brushing your kid’s teeth upon first tooth eruption. But how on earth do you brush their teeth and get them to open and cooperate? Especially once they get all 20 teeth in and you have to get wayyyy in the back??? We know, it’s a challenge. It can be stressful and frustrating. The last thing you want is to say forget it, I can’t do it, and then they have 10 cavities at their first check-up visit. I know, I know, 10 sounds extreme but we have seen it and it’s not uncommon when parents give up on brushing their child’s teeth. In this article, our team at Dental Reflections Dublin discusses a few tips and tricks to brushing your little one’s teeth.

Fluoride Toothpaste

Step one: use fluoride toothpaste. The American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends a rice size amount of fluoride toothpaste upon first tooth eruption. Yes, we know your 6-month-old can’t swish and spit out the toothpaste, which is why a rice size smeared into the toothbrush is recommended. Tom’s natural strawberry toothpaste with fluoride is a great option. Even if a child swallows a meniscal amount of fluoride, it will not harm them and is very safe.


Having trouble controlling your child’s hands, arms and legs? One of our favorite tips is to have the child’s toothbrush ready on the counter with toothpaste. After bath time, grab them out of the bath and wrap/swaddle them up in a towel while their arms are down. Sit down on the toilet seat lid and place the child on their back across your lap and grab the toothbrush. Tilt their head down a bit and boom – you have control and can get the toothbrush in the mouth to brush. It is a bonus if they are mad and scream and cries so that they open big and you can see what you are doing. Sing a fun song while you are brushing and tell them how good of a job they are doing even if they are screaming. After every night of the same routine, they will start to listen to the song and learn it, knowing you will brush their teeth whether they like it or not. It’s just like anything else they have to do that’s mandatory – it’s not an option. It’s truly all about what you make it. It gets really fun when the child hears your song every night and starts to sing it when they learn to talk. Would you rather take a minute to brush your child’s teeth while they are mad or spend hours with your child at the dentist getting their cavities filled?

Stand, Chin up, and Head Back

Once a child is old enough to listen and follow directions, have them stand in front of you on a stool in the bathroom in front of the mirror. Have them tilt their chin up high and rest their head back on your chest. Cup their chin with one hand while brushing with the other while the child opens wide. This gives full sight of brushing all surfaces of the teeth including outsides by the cheeks, the grooves where they chew and the insides down by the tongue and near the roof of the mouth. This position also allows you to see to floss a child’s teeth which is important once the floss clicks in and the teeth start to touch. Once most children reach toddler age, they want to take a turn too. Great! Let them practice and take a turn but be sure to follow up after even if it looks like they are doing a good job. It’s a good idea to pull the cheeks up/down to see the toothbrush brushing the gumlines where the plaque tends to settle. It is important to help a child brush until they can tie their own shoes. This is when they have better dexterity and can be trusted with good technique. Most importantly, don’t forget the song you started singing when your toddler was a little baby.

For family dentistry in Dublin, Ohio, contact Dental Reflections today. Questions? Just give us a call. Our team is happy to help!

Sip All Day, Get Decay

You may have already heard of this little saying, but it truly means a lot in dentistry. At Dental Reflections Dublin, we preach it and we try to practice it daily. We’re not going to lie, the busier we are, the more we may find ourselves trying to sip on that morning coffee we didn’t get to finish because our day started out full speed. It’s all about planning ahead and setting yourself, well your teeth, up for success. In this article, we discuss the meaning behind, “Sip All Day, Get Decay” saying.


Each day when we wake up, we have so many choices to make. What outfit are we going to wear? How will we style our hair? What’s for breakfast? What will we drink with breakfast? Keywords: drink WITH breakfast. Drinking acidic or more sugary beverages isn’t as bad when you actually have them with meals. Food we consume actually helps to buffer the acids from the drinks we have. For example, if you are eating scrambled eggs with cheese but drinking coffee, the eggs and cheese will help neutralize the acidity in your mouth to help prevent cavities and tooth decay. Now, if you are having a granola bar and coffee on the way to work, it is going to be best to drink lots of water when you are done and even brush or use a fluoride rinse if possible.

Frequency is Key

It’s not about the amount consumed but more about frequency. For example, you can drink a 16-ounce energy drink in 5 minutes and it is better for your teeth than sipping it over an hour-long period. After each sip of a sugary drink, it takes the mouth 20 minutes to buffer the acids which means if you take a drink every 5-10 minutes for an hour, there is no way for your mouth to catch up on buffering those acids which in turn, highly increases your risk of getting cavities. These are the type of cavities we see in between the teeth (flossing cavities where the sugars settle) or along the sides of the teeth. It is best to drink water between sips of these types of beverages to act as a cleansing agent to the teeth. Sugary, acidic drinks include basically anything except water, white milk and some hot teas which are more neutral. Even diet or flavored waters with zero sugar are very acidic to drink throughout the day. It is best to drink water between meals and limit sugary drinks to mealtimes.

Prevent Tooth Decay

We know everyone is not going to be perfect when it comes to sipping non-water drinks throughout the day. Again, it comes down to how often are you doing it? Every day or once or twice a week for a couple of hours a day vs. all day. At Dental Reflections Dublin, we just want to give our patients the proper tools and knowledge they need to keep the cavity bugs at bay and prevent tooth decay. For more tips on dentistry or to schedule an appointment, contact our Dublin, OH office today.

Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Dental Benefits?

As the end of the year approaches, we tend to think of everything that needs done before the new year comes. Our schedules tend to get busier, and things more hectic with the holidays right around the corner. Your health remains important all year long but is sometimes put on the back burner. Do you have dental benefits remaining for the year you have not used?

Why You Should Use Your Dental


In 2017, studies show that 1 in 4 Americans who have dental insurance say they haven’t been to the dentist in the past 12 months for regular checkups or cleanings due to cost. Did you know that preventive care, which means your cleaning, exam, and x-rays are typically covered at 100% with dental insurance?! That’s right, 100%!! This means no out of pocket for you at your first visit. If you have fillings or other dental work that needs to be done, you will have to pay some out of pocket. Here at Dental Reflections Dublin, we will tell you what that “something” is because we do complimentary insurance benefits check to see what your coverage is for all the services we offer. That means there are no surprises.

Get the Most Out of Your Dental Benefits!

If you are paying for dental insurance, there is no reason you should not be taking full advantage to maximize those benefits each year. In January, everything resets. That means if you do happen to need a lot of work done, we can maximize you out for this year then start over with new benefits at the start of the new year so that your out of pocket is much less. Listen, we are on your side. We don’t like delivering bad news or going over financials, but it is a necessary evil. We just don’t want you to literally flush your money down the toilet by not using a dime of your benefits you paid for all year long. Contact our Dublin, OH office today to get on the schedule in 2019 if you haven’t been to see us yet!!

Get Straighter Teeth With Invisalign

Have you wanted straighter teeth but didn’t want all of that metal and hardware in your mouth? Invisalign, or clear aligners, may be a great option for you! Clear aligners are exactly how they sound- they are clear, retainer-like trays that you wear over a period of time that slowly straighten the teeth in a safe manner. Maybe you’ve been thinking about some type of braces for a while now but didn’t know where to start. At Dental Reflections Dublin, we are here to help you navigate getting started on your journey to the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

First Steps to Getting Straighter Teeth

The first step to seeing if you are a candidate for clear aligners is scheduling a consultation at our office. This involves taking measurements, photos, and a scan of the teeth to send in to the company we choose that’s best for you. We then have you back to go over your customized treatment plan with estimated treatment time and cost. The virtual treatment plan will show how your teeth will transform over the estimated treatment time. The amount of time in the trays can vary between as little as 6 months to 18+ months. A lot of it also depends on how compliant you are in wearing the trays as well. It is recommended to wear them for a minimum of 22 hours a day and only take them out when you are eating or drinking anything besides water.

Cost of Clear Aligners

The cost can vary greatly depending on the recommended treatment time and how much correcting/straightening of the teeth that need done. The range is similar to traditional braces and starts at around $3,000 and can go up to $5,000+. The good news is if you have orthodontic coverage on your insurance plan, you can also apply it to clear aligners. Be sure to check the age limit and amount of coverage. The average that we see on dental insurance plans is $1,000 towards any treatment which is a huge help! We do payment plans for clear aligners as well.

The good news is, a consultation for clear aligners is free of charge at Dental Reflections Dublin! Call our Dublin, OH office today to get scheduled for your appointment to see if you are a candidate and can get started on your smile in 2020!

Reflections Dental Savings Plan

As we ring in the New Year, we need to take a step back and figure out what’s important to us. Maybe for some its family or money, vacationing, their health or their job. It may be all of these. Goals are important to set each year no matter how big or small. As healthcare providers, we are focused on providing the best patient care possible to all of our patients. We always strive to be better and keep up to date with the newest technology in dentistry, to help make our patient care as seamless and painless as we can. At Dental Reflections Dublin, our mission statement is to provide honest, comfortable care to your entire family. We pride ourselves on our knowledge, compassion, the relationships we build, and the teamwork we have built inside our office. This year, we also want to focus on our Reflections Savings Plan, which is a great option for those who do not have dental insurance.

Just because you don’t have dental insurance doesn’t mean you can’t go to the dentist

Yes, we know, dentistry is expensive, but so are those clothes and that latte you get every day or week. Think of it as an investment into your health. We aren’t going to hold up a sign saying free cleaning, exam and x-rays for new patients, or $50 for a new patient exam. Why not? Because we feel that what we have to offer is worth so much more than that. We are not your typical dental office, making people wait in the waiting room because we are running 45 minutes behind, rushing people back to get started, cutting corners to try to catch up, etc. We schedule the appropriate amount of time for EACH patient we see so that you will be called back at your appointed time because we respect you and know you have to carry on with your day too when you leave. We take the time to listen to your questions and concerns and address them before you leave. We take the time to explain why we are recommending a filling on a tooth with a photo so you can see what we see. We care so much about what we do and want to retain each patient that walks in our door, not see them one time because they came in with a coupon.

Our Reflections Savings Plan is like a Membership Program

From the time you sign up for our dental savings plan, it is good for one year. In that one year, you get all your preventative services taken care of. This includes 2 professional cleanings, 2 exams, all of your x-rays you need, and all of our initial record collecting (intraoral photos, charting of the gum tissues, etc.). For any additional services needed like fillings or crowns, you receive an additional 20% off. For a limited time, we are offering this plan for $365.00. Think of it as a dollar a day for your dental health. Remember, dental care is all about preventive care. Cavities don’t hurt until it’s too late to save the tooth or the tooth requires more invasive, expensive procedures like a root canal and crown. Gum disease is also asymptomatic. Now is the time for you to focus on your dental health, the future of your smile, and longevity of your teeth to last you a lifetime.

Dental Anxiety

Have you avoided the dentist due to anxiety? If so, you are not alone. It’s a real thing, and we know it. Believe it or not, a lot of people that work in the dental field have dental anxiety. That’s one of the reasons some of us chose the dental field to help others feel more comfortable in the dental chair because we know our own struggles. Here at Dental Reflections Dublin, we do everything we can to make you feel comfortable during treatment of any sort.

Open Communication

One of the many things we really pride ourselves on is how communicative we are with our patients. We want them to know exactly what to expect and when to expect it. This means there are no surprises during treatment. After the tooth is numb, the patient should not feel any pain during a procedure. We really take the time to address any dental anxiety, concerns, or questions a patient may have.

Options for Sedation

We offer options for different levels of sedation. If you tell us upfront you are nervous about dental procedures, the first step we recommend is nitrous oxide. You may also have heard of this as laughing gas. It doesn’t really make you laugh, so don’t worry. It just makes you feel good and happy. You are still awake and aware of what is going on; you just care a whole lot less. Ultimately, it helps you to relax. You can drive yourself to and from your appointment since the nitrous oxide will be completely out of your system when you leave. If you feel like the nitrous won’t be enough, we can prescribe Valium in addition. This will require a driver. It is that extra step to really get you relaxed before you even sit in the dental chair. Trust us, we have heard it all. Even patients driving to the dentist but too scared to come in from the parking lot, so they change their minds and turn around. Valium is taken the night before and the morning of your appointment to really help you settle before you come in. Plus, you’ll have that extra support system of a driver to help you.

Whatever your needs are, we can help. We will find what works for you. We have held patients’ hands, wiped their tears, and been there for them through and through. We ultimately want you to get the dental care you need and deserve and are willing to go that extra mile to help you get there. Call our Dublin, OH dental office at (614) 799-5576 and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Wisdom Teeth Crowding

Many times, we may start to notice our bottom front teeth crowding as those wisdom teeth start to come in. You may start to wonder – could that be what is crowding my teeth and “pushing them forward”? At Dental Reflections Dublin, we see the crowding all the time, and we often hear it from patients even later in life. They will tell us their bottom front teeth were always straight whether they had braces, but once those wisdom teeth started coming in, they started crowding. The average age for wisdom teeth to come in is 17-22 but it can most definitely be earlier or later. That leaves us with the burning question…

Do Wisdom Teeth Crowd Your Other Teeth?

Long story short, the answer is no. I know the timing can correlate together, however, the wisdom teeth do not push all the other teeth forward as they are making their way in. Either they have room to come in or they don’t. A study was done and published in The Scientific World Journal that included patients with impacted (teeth under the gums), erupted (teeth in the mouth), extracted, or congenitally missing wisdom teeth. These studies included cross-sectional and longitudinal, and there was no difference between the two groups. What this means is whether someone ever had wisdom teeth form, they still noticed crowding and that these teeth are not the cause.

What Causes the Crowding?

As we age, our mandible continues to grow. Have you ever noticed an older person with larger ears and nose? This is because they also continue to grow as our jaw does. Have you also noticed how older people have a pointier chin and crowded teeth in the front? I know, I know, no you are thinking ages 17-22 is not old. That is correct. Our jaw goes through growth spurts just like the rest of our body. Ages 17-22 is one of those times. Therefore, more people will notice the teeth beginning to crowd at that age. For some it’s later, everyone is different. Another study was done following patients for 12 years after their braces came off. The study found that after just 10 years of removal of all retention (permanent or removable retainers no longer being used), more than 70% were classified as showing moderate to severe crowding.

How Can This Crowding Be Prevented?

The ultimate way to prevent teeth from crowding is a retainer. This is recommended whether a patient has had braces or not. Permanent retainers are most common for post-ortho patients, while removable retainers are great for those who have never had retainers. Crowding is not just a cosmetic concern but also puts a patient at risk for gum disease. Crowding makes it much harder to keep the teeth clean, therefore infecting the gums as well. Orthodontics, or braces, are the only way to correct the crowding and are a great option to consider. If you are concerned about your teeth shifting, contact our Dublin, OH dental office today for a consultation on retainers, Invisalign®, or options for orthodontics.


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Dental Bonding

What is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a cosmetic procedure used to fix imperfections in the teeth. It is a great option for those that want a small fix and a less invasive procedure than crowns or veneers. An advantage of dental bonding is no tooth structure has to be removed before placing it. It is added to the existing portion of the tooth to give teeth a more natural, flawless look.

Should I Get Dental Bonding?

Many times, we see patients that have teeth that are genetically undersized. The most common teeth for this to occur are the ones right outside of your top, front teeth. The term for them is a peg lateral because they are your lateral incisors. Many people will feel self-conscious about these teeth because they are disproportionate, but they aren’t sure what to do about them. They may fear cost or a procedure itself. Dental bonding is a great option for these patients. The composite or white filling material is added to the tooth and fortunately a lot of times the patient doesn’t even have to be numb for this. The material blends evenly with the tooth, giving it a fuller, even appearance to match the other teeth. This can increase confidence in a patient and give them that smile they deserve.

What Else is Dental Bonding Used for?

If a patient has a small chip or wears on the teeth, bonding can also be done if there is no active decay. Bonding can be reversed if a patient decides a tooth looks too bulky or unnatural. Thankfully, at Dental Reflections Dublin, Dr. As-Sanie is a perfectionist and will be sure you are happy with the result before leaving our office. She also wants to make sure it looks natural and she feels comfortable as well with the work she has done. The first step to inquiring about cosmetic bonding would be to schedule a consultation at our office. Dr. As-Sanie will decide if bonding is right for you and then proceed with scheduling the procedure. Call our dental office in Dublin today at (614) 799-5576 for your consultation on dental bonding.

Dental Reflections Dublin

4998 Rings Rd
Dublin, Oh 43017
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Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
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